Which Wednesday: Sisters

Ah, sisters. The bane of their siblings existence and a perpetual annoyance. The reasons why Katniss volunteered for the Hunger Games, the letters were sent (in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) and general drama. (Also the reason my parents found out I was blogging. Thanks). I myself have a sister – I think that the world (at least mine) would be a lot better without one.

Here’s to you, you little monster.

(PS I would have never volunteered in the Hunger Games for you.)

Today I will be comparing Blood Red Road and My Sisters Keeper. If you did a double take, then you’d be right, as these books actually have very little in common. However, I’m stuck for ideas currently, so if you guys have any topics/themes, PLEASE COMMENT THEM (#desperate #thirstyandIknowit).


12400425Blood Red Road by Moira Young

Saba lives in Silverlake, a wasteland ravaged by constant sandstorms where her family scavenge from landfills left by the long-gone Wrecker civilization. After four cloaked horsemen kidnap her beloved twin brother Lugh, she teams up with daredevil Jack and the Free Hawks, a girl gang of Revolutionaries.

Saba learns that she is a fierce fighter, an unbeatable survivor, and a cunning opponent. And she has the power to take down a corrupt society from the inside. Saba and her new friends stage a showdown that change the course of her civilization.


As much as I don’t like dystopian, this actually sounds interesting. I’m being promised character development, so sign me up.

My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult10917

Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. The product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate — a life and a role that she has never challenged… until now. Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. But unlike most teenagers, she has always been defined in terms of her sister—and so Anna makes a decision that for most would be unthinkable, a decision that will tear her family apart and have perhaps fatal consequences for the sister she loves.

A provocative novel that raises some important ethical issues, My Sister’s Keeper is the story of one family’s struggle for survival at all human costs and a stunning parable for all time.


The summary for My Sister’s Keeper is the type of summary to actual get me to pick up the book (to check out), then drop it when I spot something more interesting. However, I’m glad all the rave reviews forced me to read it, because it was really interesting.


I’m going to be brutally honest: the hardest part of reading Blood Red Road is actually reading it. Literally, trying to focus your eyes on the page. Just like the guy in the gif, as soon as you think you’ve got the hang of the words, something new comes up and hits you.


+1 Kudos for the new and oringinal idea, -1 kudos for increasing the level of difficulty. Literally, if you go on Goodreads, the #1 complaint is the writing. I mean, Illuminae? Your format ain’t got nothing on this.

My Sister’s Keeper is a lot slower paced: almost methodical in the way that the writing and plot progresses. It’s great for character development, but often gets boring. I’d say it was a bonus in the books case: it built everything up for the climax.


All the characters in both these books were well developed. Even if you didn’t like them at the beginning (or the end, in some cases), you could sympathize – or at least see where they were coming from. Both books featured strong sibling relationships: Blood Red Road had Saba and her little (might I mention annoying) younger sister, one that Saba cared deeply about. It was sort of sweet (but mainly a plot device) and when both Saba and her sister developed (I know, secondary character development in dystopia: shocking!) I was pleased.

In My Sister’s Keeper, the strain in their relationship (and the family in general) was really interesting to watch. It was literally life or death : what kind of sister would like her sister dead? (Don’t glare at me, guys, I haven’t said anything yet) The family dynamics, as well as the strain medical issues put on families was well developed and portrayed : despite the two days it took me to read them, I felt it was worth it.


I’m repeating myself (and Faith is yelling at me for not choosing: I can feel her nagging 😉 (F: What’s the point of a Which Wednesday if you’re not going to CHOOSE? But, I’m indecisive as well when it comes to… everything life-choice-related. Once again, can’t file too much of a complaint.) but both world-buildings were equally good, simply because they are basically incomparable. Dystopia vs Real World? I mean, I hate dystopias, but that doesn’t seem like a fair generalization, ya know?

two days it took me to read them, I felt it was worth it.


My Sister’s Keeper has a more original (and I think) never-been-done-before twist, while Blood Red Road is of the typical, YA Dystopia. Shudders. However, I do suppose the language that book is written in (as it does resemble the english language) counts as original (seriously, imagine the word document that contained the story – I can see every row of red underlines! )

Both books did have their boring and exciting parts, but kept me attached – whether it be my unhealthy emotional attachments or my addiction to action.

I’d say both books win this round as well.

Which One: My Sister’s Keeper

Both are quite good, but in terms of actually being able to understand the language, MSK will probably not cause that big of a headache. And if we are being completely honest, neither book can really be compared to the other.

This Week’s Which Wednesday: Brought to you by my annoyance at my extremely (did I impress on y’all  the extent of her annoying-ness) ANNOYING sister.

HATE YOU ❤  >:)

I wish everyone luck with your own siblings, if needed.

~ Sarah





























9 thoughts on “Which Wednesday: Sisters

  1. Alex says:

    I’m sorry for such a late comment! My wi-fi has been a bitch for the last few days. 😛
    Blood Red Road has been on my TBR but I’ve never heard of My Sister’s Keeper? Anyway, both sound good and I want to read both of them!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sublimereads says:

      Haha, any comment is great – and I totally understand. Currently WP ain’t letting me like people’s posts. I’m dying internally XD

      I think you’d enjoy either: but they are rather separate reads 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Paul @ The Galaxial Word says:

    Your sister sounds really annoying U_U I have a sister but she’s fine. She just keeps out of my way and I keep mostly out of hers XD #We’reVeryClose.

    My Sister’s Keeper sounds good. I’m going to have to read that at some time.

    (Also that gif at the end is perfect. I must keep it for future use)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    Omg this is hilarious. xD I HAVE A SISTER. SHE IS ANNOYING. I’m pretty sure it’s like a prerequisite to be annoying if you have a sister, right? (She would probably say the same about me but #lies I’m perfect.)

    Also I looooove Blood Red Road. sobs over its wonderfulness It is literally one of my most favourite books of EVERRRR. But I so wish it had had dialogue tags. I get the slang? I think it worked! But the no-dialogue-tags KILLED ME. I haven’t read My Sister’s Keeper yet, but I saw the movie and it nearly made me cry…and for a Vulcan like me, that is a big deal! 😛


    • sublimereads says:

      Haha, I’m glad you can understand my suffering.
      It’s probably part of the checklist, along with immaturity, being spoiled and loud. Honestly, it takes preparation to get to her level XD

      IK I FELL IN LOVE AT FIRST READ! ❤ Yup, the lack of dialogue tags was positively painful. I couldn’t tell at first if she was thinking or talking. But, once you got used to it, it was so worth it.
      Wow, there’s a movie? Now I need to find it… after I buy a couple of bixes of kleenex and a tub of ice cream. #BEPREPARED


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