New Year, New Beginnings!


Hello, dear glorious readers! It’s us, Sarah and Faith at Sublime Reads  

Happy New Year! It’s been a wonderful six months since we’ve been introduced to the world of book blogging and from it, we have had so many new experiences! That being said, there’s always room for improvement. So, we’ve written down some of our goals and then by the end of 2016, we’re planning to reflect on them. You know that they say that New Year’s resolutions are never actually seen through until the end: but this year, we’re determined to accomplish these tasks, or at least try our best!


RESOLUTION #1: Be more consistent.

S: I think that means posting to a schedule… or at least regularly. When it comes to book reviews, there are so many I want to write… but I never get around to doing them.

F: Oh stars. This one, is sometimes hard. There’s school work, then there’s extracurricular activities, then there’s parents who tell you to do stuff and trying to get an adequate amount of sleep. Time management is just a tool in life that we’ll have to master.

I should also point out that at times, I Google encouragements for motivation because when your name is Faith, often times people will tell you to “just have FAITH in yourself!” (They consequently believe that they are the most ingenious person to have ever walked on Earth… trust me. Or should I say, have faith in me. I’ve heard it more times than I’ve procrastinated.)


RESOLUTION #2: Comment more.

S: This might just be me, but I feel really shy when commenting on other people’s blogs. It’s even worse when the posts I want to talk about are old. 😥 So this year, I want to be more outgoing and I want to participate even more XD

F: Commenting is a pretty big part of blogging because it helps give feedback and it just gives you a nice fuzzy feeling to know that people are actually reading your stuff, no matter what it is. Of course, it also helps you to engage in the blogosphere so this year, I’m going to try to read and comment more on other blogs.


RESOLUTION #3: Carpe Diem

S: We should definitely seize any bookish opportunities in 2016. That includes going to book festivals and asking for ARCs 😉 (No ARC envy though… that’s what we’re leaving in 2015)

F: Basically, we’re going to take more initiative to just do more. More bookish things and activities. Such as updating (and remembering) our Goodreads account more and especially, our Instagram account. (Yikes, we should definitely do something about that!!)


RESOLUTION #4 Quality, not Quantity

S: Cutting back on the books we read isn’t necessarily bad… as long as the books we read are interesting and diverse. We should probably branch out to other genres 😀

F: This is exactly what I’ve learned from book reviewing. Before, I would try to read more so that I could review more… instead, I’ve realized that reading less material doesn’t mean reviewing less. It means taking the time to review more on the books that you have read! 🙂


RESOLUTION #5: Branch out.

S: I have yet to review a middle grade novel… or a manga. Although, I swear, that will change!

F: In terms of trees and branches, we’re practically still a sapling. Luckily for us, trees are always growing! As for me, I was thinking about reviewing the occasional Korean drama and more book-related movies and DIYs! Just a more diverse array of blog posts. (But don’t worry, we’ll focus first on the book reviews!)


RESOLUTION #6: Find the right design for us.

S: We need to find a theme and a look that we like. And we need to figure out our aesthetic. Something with watercolours….

F: Although our blog is ever-changing, we’re going to try to find a style that suits the both of us, and one that you will also hopefully enjoy!


RESOLUTION #7: Refine our writing.

S: While our skills, whether it be critical thinking or just English in general, have improved, there’s still a long way to go 😀

F: We’re always trying to find ways to streamline my writing. But sometimes it’s a STRUGGLE. Usually I know what I’m trying to say, but don’t know how to say it. Then, I try to find a balance between finding my own voice while generally improving my English skills. It’s a pain when you’re done and you’re still dissatisfied with your writing… I guess I’ll also have to appreciate my own work more!


RESOLUTION #8: Give back to our followers.

S: We recently reached over a 100 followers, which is quite amazing. We really don’t deserve you guys, so thank you to everyone ❤ Your support means the world to us!

F: To be honest, it’s easy to be envious of others’ follows but I’ve really recognized that their followers exist because of their hard work and effort that they’ve put into their blogs! This year, we would just like to take the time to appreciate everything we have achieved through book blogging and it’s really thanks to you. 🙂 It never gets old seeing a nice comment or getting a new follow, which really encourages us to write more! In the future, we would love to do a giveaway… one day it will happen. Thanks for a great six months of blogging!


If any of our resolutions apply to you, comment below! We’d love to hear about your new goals.

We’ll see you in the new year! 🙂

19 thoughts on “New Year, New Beginnings!

  1. Jane Whittingham says:

    I think I’m going to steal – I mean – borrow some of these resolutions for myself! Commenting is something that I’ve really been trying to do more of – I remember how exciting it was the first time someone actually left a comment on something I’d written, and how can I expect people to take the effort to connect with me, when I can’t be bothered to do the same? I also definitely find it hard to consistently write – life just finds a way of getting in the way! Here’s to a fun and productive 2016!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sublimereads says:

      YAASSS Take them XD
      That’s exactly how we feel as well. Just remembering our reactions to our first blog comment makes me laugh! Giving is more fun than getting, and honestly, the interactions with bloggers is the most fun part of doing this!
      And we totally understand your writing problems. It’s even worse when you have to choose between an essay and a long over due book review 😛
      Yup ~ We can do this 😀 Happy New Year ~ and may your year be fruitful!



  2. The Galaxial Word says:

    I love these graphics so so much, and your flat shadows + emojis = trending en pointe XD I actually have some of your resolutions too! Especially the one about commenting and interacting with followers, because I’ve been pretty nonexistent in 2015, apart from replying to the odd comment here and there. It’s a wonder I even have views and follows when I refuse to speak to so many people! Anyway, that’s going to CHANGE. Completely. In 2016. I’m going to turn over a new page (yes, page not leaf because #bookpunsforthewin) and TALK. Because, honestly, blogging is probably 45% posting and 55% interacting.

    On the topic of your blog design, if you want some help or anything, I can help if you want! Watercolour looks great and is really easy to whip up, especially if you have watercolour Photoshop actions and a clipart of whatever you want. Just drop me a line if you want me to do anything 🙂


    • sublimereads says:

      Thanks XD They took long to make. (I guess another resolution I should have added was improving at Photoshop :P)
      Yup, I think many people feel as guilty. YOU GO ~ we’ll try to change with you 🙂

      We all plan on turning pages, if ya know what I mean (#bookpunsrock).
      Your breakdown of blogging is on point and so true!

      AW THANK YOU (because seriously my goal for 2016 is to get our blog design onto your level XD ). Actions do make things easier, but it’s hard to find free ones… I’ve always wanted to ask you, where do you get your fonts/actions/photoshop-y things from? Help a broke blogger out 😛


      Liked by 1 person

      • The Galaxial Word says:

        Well I’m broke too but I wait for sites like or others to make things sooper dooper cheap (like 4 dollars for a package worth 400) and then buy them. Creative Market is good if you can spend enough time looking for good graphic resources, but can sometimes be a bite in the arse coz of expensive graphics. Try googling “graphics freebies” and there will be heaps. The Hungry Jpeg, WebDesigner Depot, etc. Creative Market makes 6 different items free per week, and if you check them out every week, sometimes you’ll stumble across a nice watercolour package or so. So basically, be a total scrooge and look for deals/freebies even if it takes you hours XD And omg you need to aim higher! I don’t even have a blog header since swapping over to this theme! Maybe I should change. Horoscopes say that 2016 is the year for changing [your blog theme, obviously] XD Anyway, let me know if you need anything because I’ve got sets of watercolour elements/actions/silhouettes, etc 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • sublimereads says:

          Haha, #brokebloggersunite XD I already do follow Creative Market, but there are some you mentioned that I’ve never heard of 😀 Thanks for the recommendations… lets be scrooges together 😛
          Honesty you are selling yourself short, because your headers and work for your reviews are amazing and always thematic.
          Your horoscope made me laugh, because its so true XD
          Thanks for the sweet offer ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  3. The Galaxial Word says:

    And omg I actually left your blog and then came back because I remembered that I read somewhere in the post that one of you hadn’t read any manga which is an absolute CRIME. I did this post quite a while ago with some manga recommendations. Along with those mentioned, I’m not sure if I mentioned Tokyo Ghoul (Horror, Supernatural) or a rather recent one, Assassination Classroom (I don’t even know what category this comes under but it’s great). OH. And One Punch Man is really good also!

    Liked by 1 person

    • sublimereads says:

      Yes. I am very guilty of that crime, and I need to do my time. I shall serve by reading your recommendations! I have read One Punch Man, though (IT FINALLY GOT PUBLISHED IN CANADA! 😀 ) Have you read the artists other work (aka Eyeshield 21, one of my absolute fav mangas of all time?)
      I can’t wait to review these! Thank you very much!

      And don’t worry about the linking tags, lol. I am not technical enough to mess with that, so you are already ahead of me there 😛 Should we make it a new year’s goal to get an edit comment function from WordPress?


      Liked by 1 person

      • The Galaxial Word says:

        Of course. We need to go on WordPress strikes. Chain ourselves to our blogs and never let go until they allow comment editing.
        I don’t usually read physical copies of manga books because literally the only books I can actually get in Australia are One Piece and Naruto and Bleach. Ugh. That’s like only allowing people to buy Harry Potter and The Hunger Games and nothing else. BROADEN YOUR MINDS, PEOPLES. There need to be bookstores in Australia dedicated entirely to manga books.
        I haven’t read anything else by OPM’s author, but Eyeshield 21 looks great! Thanks for that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • sublimereads says:

          Finally. A partner in protest!
          Ah, I feel you. It’s slightly better in Canada because we are near the U.S (aka the capital of physical manga books other than Japan).
          OH MY GOSH THAT’S ME RIGHT THERE. When my bookstore started stocking more manga than just those three, I was almost in (happy) tears! XD
          No problem! Tell me if you like it!


          Liked by 1 person

  4. Danni Mae says:

    These are all fantastic resolutions. I know I have a lot of the same goals! Posting consistently and reaching out to comment are real struggles, but they’re definitely good goals to have! Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!

    Liked by 1 person

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