Which Wednesday: Sisters

Ah, sisters. The bane of their siblings existence and a perpetual annoyance. The reasons why Katniss volunteered for the Hunger Games, the letters were sent (in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) and general drama. (Also the reason my parents found out I was blogging. Thanks). I myself have a sister – I think that the world (at least mine) would be a lot better without one.

Here’s to you, you little monster.

(PS I would have never volunteered in the Hunger Games for you.)

Today I will be comparing Blood Red Road and My Sisters Keeper. If you did a double take, then you’d be right, as these books actually have very little in common. However, I’m stuck for ideas currently, so if you guys have any topics/themes, PLEASE COMMENT THEM (#desperate #thirstyandIknowit). Continue reading

The Love Tag


Salutations and happy Easter! Here is the third or fourth-ish Late Tags with Sublimereads!

(I’m sure that everyone learned the word “salutations” from Charlotte’s Web. Who didn’t?)

Although this was originally for Valentine’s Day, we liked it so much that we decided to do it now anyways! The graphics are perfect, so go on over to Booktidote to check out their amazingly beautiful blog. Thanks for thinking about us for your original tag! ❤ Continue reading

Reviewing My 6 Year Old Poetry

Have you ever wondered what Faith was like at age six? Wonder no more!

This week, I am taking over Sublime Fridays by reviewing a piece of text like all book bloggers do. This post was originally for World Poetry Day a few days ago but since I had missed it, I am now gracing your presence with a poem we’ve all been absolutely looking forward to. But there’s a slight difference: it’s a top notch piece of literature written by yours truly… when I was six.

(S: Is it weird that my first reaction to this idea was :YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)

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White Pine Wednesdays: The Outside Circle

Howdy peeps XD

Today, I will completely disappoint Paul (nothing really funny here, sorry) and post a “boring” review. Whilst it may not be the most “rainbows and sunshine” of reviews, this book still shines a light – on some of Canada’s more shaded issues.
My sixth review will be over the very first graphic novel nominee this year (the very first and very only, actually).

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Sunshine Blogger Award & A Pancake vs Waffle Showdown


Yay, my first banner! (And I took the photo :3) Any thoughts? ~Faith

Hey there fellow bloggers, how’s it going?  ‘Tis I, Faith, and I have been nominated by Margot from Lectito for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you very much! 🙂 Today, it’s not only an award post, but there’s also a bit of a WAFFLES VS PANCAKES SHOWDOWN. Oh yes, it’s happening. * grins maliciously * Continue reading

Book Review: My True Love Gave to Me


Have you ever wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s in the middle of March?! Never fear, here’s the closest thing you’ll get to do just that!

Note: Faith is the only person who posts a holiday book review in springtime. Feel free to take plenty of screenshots because this is probably an exclusive absurdity that you’ll never see anywhere else.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Seriously, winter is now non-existent and THIS is the kind of book review you’re bringing us? You betcha. (Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which winter is actually ARRIVING – geography is so weird it makes my brain spin every time I try to think about it… but it’s simultaneously awesome. I just can’t imagine having Christmas while becoming fried into a crisp under the sun!) Welcome to a slightly shameless couple-month-old book review. Let’s go! 😀 Continue reading

Which Wednesdays: Aliens

Welcome, bookworms, to the latest and greatest edition of Which Wednesdays (ok, so, it might not be the greatest). This week’s topic is Aliens… but not these guys:


Nope. I’m talking about the legal term that The United States of America uses to describe illegal immigrants. Yes, these soccer-loving, taco eating, sombrero obsessed criminal-element, rapist Mexicans.

(I hope y’all are feeling the sarcasm)

Now, with all of Trump’s… assholery…, he said he’s gonna build a wall and keep the Mexicans out (never mind that not all the illegal immigrants are not Mexican, but who cares? )

So, I’ve stumbled on a few stories dealing with these topics, so without further ado, here’s Joyride by Anna Banks and Dream Things True by Marie Marquardt. Both these stories are told in the POV of POCs (so yay diversity), and by simply looking at the summaries, they have a lot in common. Continue reading

5 Books, 5 Looks

Happy mid-March!

For us, this means that we have March break. Which means that we no longer have a minotaur, Medusa, school, and well GAEA on our heels for a week; all of which are all trying to crush our guts into smithereens. If you did not know, we are now not-so-secretly demigods. As bloggers, this also means one week of hardcore post workouts. Not as in stretches after you workout, but a workout in writing all the posts that we never found the time to do. As per usual. 

Since my demigod powers unfortunately don’t extend to reviewing most books I read, this is me trying to make up the difference. So, these posts are going to simply be some of my short-and-straight-to-the-point bookish thoughts. (Although, I’m the least straight to the point kind of person when I talk. Or at least I do a lot of this thing called rambling).  Anyways, for this first one, I chose a variety of YA that I’ve finished in fall. Basically from last year. So, let’s commence the mini book review marathon!

[Click the covers for the book’s Goodreads page and summaries.]

Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider (3.5/5 stars)


UK cover

The summary sounded cliched and I will waste no time saying that… it was. It’s a blend of Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, but sometimes we can’t help but like cliches. If you find yourself turning enough pages to realize that you’re wanting to find out the obvious, then it’s a winner because it was good, cliche or not. If anything, I think some parts of the book actually tried to counter the cliche of trying to be weird and different and I really liked the humour: it was teen-like and it actually got me laughing out loud. I just felt somewhat satisfied reading this and sometimes a dose of quirky characters is what you need.


Cover thoughts: I love the UK one. It’s cool with the whole tree/lung thing… and I love the colours. The “normal” one is nice too but… it’s a bit too normal.

Possibly the best quote in the book:

“‘Hey, Nick, do you know what it would say under your photo in a high school yearbook?’ I asked. ‘Most likely to be friend zoned.’

 ‘Funny,’ Nick grumbled. ‘Sharpen that wit of yours any more and someone might think you actually have a point.’”

This exchange is basically me.

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White Pine Wednesday: The Bodies We Wear

Hello, all! This is the fifth White Pine Wednesday, which means two things: 1) I’ve been doing this for like 2 and a half months (achievement unlocked!) and 2) There’s only 2 and a half months to the festival!

This week, I’m reviewing The Bodies We Wear.


Original thoughts:

“[For]…fans of Scott Westerfeld”. Ahem. Bad vibes already. Why? Unpopular Opinion time: I have never finished a Scott Westerfeld book in my life. Not even Uglies, which I tried to read on 5 different occasions and with an open mind. Not even the Uglies graphic novel. Not even Zeros. And keep in mind, I do not DNF books.

But, back to the cover. It’s not the best cover, but it isn’t the worst. And it looks better in person. It seems like typical YA action fare. The summary suggest revenge, so I hope she actually wreaks havoc on those mofos who drugged her. The mysterious young man angle? YOU BETTER NOT GET IN THE WAY OF HER REVENGE. Overall though, it looks like it’ll be entertaining.

Well, since the first paragraph doesn’t actually relate to the book, and the second implied I was hopeful, I’d say I was half right.

I had high hopes, guys. They fell a looooong way.

This book started off extremely well and sort of… deteriorated.

The world building of this story is very well done and there are simple (as well as t0-the-point) explanations. There’s no info-dumping: the reader is simply dropped into the dystopian setting and picks up information as they go on.

Faye, as a main character, was as realistic as possible: you could see her maturity at some points, but she still made some crappy decisions (like every teenager, amirite? 😉 ) Her backstory is sad and upsetting, but she always soldiers on as she pulls on her brave face and gives it her all. Basically, (if you’ve read the summary), Faye was forced to take the drug Heam, against her will. On its own, that’s pretty upsetting. But coupled with the stigma that surrounds taking that drug (think Scarlet Letter/mass shunning) Faye walks a fine line trying to re-enter society. She’s practically on probation 24/7 – and if it got out to the general populace that a Heam addict (even a one-time addict) was among them, then shit would hit the fan. What’s even sadder is the reaction of her community around her. Even though this is a fictional universe, it’s realistic; I can still see people nowadays reacting in the exact same way.

So in an odd way, I really empathized with her problems. Even though I didn’t approve or particularly understand all her decisions, I thought she was more relatable than most. I mean, she has a thirst for revenge, is sorta cool and is the underdog?

Although I loved the smooth and quick style of writing, not even that could bring to life the terrible, YA love cliches that this book is filled with.

Like honestly, it totally ruined my enjoyment of the revenge for me, and bogged down the book with extremely boring scenes. I caught myself skimming some of the more romantic exchanges. I feel I would have rated this book higher if there was no love interest. For the sake of brevity (and the impending physics test of doom), I won’t go into details, but let’s just say it’s not worth it.

However, I thought the ending was worth it (yay optimism), so I will rate this book 3.5 stars out of 5.