Hear ye! (Well, read ye.) Today we have an announcement & we’re going to make it short and sweet!

Basically to rephrase what Paul at The Galaxial Word (his blog is awesome, go check it out!) said right here, we (the two of us + Paul) were thinking about possibly creating some sort of blogger collab/blog tour thing!

So here’s the dealio: if you’re interested in joining our random collab fest, feel free to drop us (or Paul) a comment and – if you have one – a topic idea! ^-^

~ Thanks for coming by ~

Sarah & Faith

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Getting Emotional About Books? – Infinity Dreams Award (Part 2)

Happy Sunday!

Hello! In case you were wondering, we’re Sarah & Faith and this is the second half of the Infinity Dreams Award which we have been nominated for by Jess at Mud and Stars (thank you!) many MANY moons ago. Here we go!

1.Which fictional character is most like you?

Faith: Like I said in the other award, I guess I’d connect with Leo and Percy’s humour the most.

Sarah: … … … Literally no one. Can you find me one sassy, impulsive, Arab Canadian in YA literature? Nah.

2. Which books have made you cry?

F: I’ve mentioned this before too but Black Beauty. I haven’t really cried for many books though. Internally I have. If you didn’t know, Salt to the Sea was pretty grief-inducing. (I mean, I do become an emotional wreck and I cry but I’m not physically bawling the Niagara Falls. But internally I am. Same difference.) 

Niagara Falls, everybody. (Technically called Horseshoe Falls but they’re all technicalities.) After having gone on about 12 trips there (I’ve literally counted), you’re somewhat not so amazed anymore. But this shot is pretty epic. You could get hotel rooms with this view. Pretty cool, I guess.

I should also mention, my book. My future presently unwritten book. If you assume that I’m going to say something along the lines of “I’d cry because of how horrible it would be”, then yes. You would be correct.

S: Speak. And we shall never converse about this speech ever again. Continue reading

I’m Salty – Book Review: Salt to the Sea

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“Guilt is a hunter. Fate is a hunter. Shame is a hunter. Fear is a hunter.”

Salt to the Sea is one of those books that coerces Faith into delivering one of those rare and (somewhat) thoughtfully serious reviews. This is the sort of paradoxical book that is a timeless historical work of fiction.

Grief. If you do not feel grief post-reading this book, then perhaps you’re not completely sane. Possibly for the first time, I am feeling appropriately salty. Evidently, reading this book will make you upset… but in a good way? I believe that this means that the book has done its job. It’s appropriate especially when considering the title and the tale.

This book, encapsulated in one word, is cinematic.

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We’re The Sorting Hat: Rip It Or Ship It (Part 1)

Helloooooo everyone! Today, we become the Sorting Hat ;)

This week, we are participating in one of the more popular, recent tags… RIP IT OR SHIP IT! We decided to put in our favourite and most despised characters on paper, where we cut them up (the names NOT the characters, though we may have liked to haha – no murderous thoughts indeed) and took turns (alternating) to randomly draw them.

We now present to you our reactions to our character combinations… at times cute or simply strange and others… just flat out disturbing. We hope you enjoy as we play matchmaker, putting our Sorting Hat abilities to the test and introducing poor characters to their very own doom (or their future fiance(e)s)! 

Disclaimer: Sarah blames Faith for most of these 😉

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White Pine Wednesdays: Delusion Road

Hello world!

Now that you have recovered from our April Fool’s post, we are back to our regularly scheduled (and well written 😉 ) posts!


This week, I’ll be reviewing Delusion Road… which is actually harder than it sounds. Trying to type this out reminds me of something Paul once said (I can’t find the post right now): it wasn’t a terrible book, it was just… meh. Forgettable. It was enjoyable enough that I finished it without feeling like I was slogging/obliged to read it, but at the same time, it was missing that thing that would have me rate it higher.

It was a solid book all round: even though it was filled with cliches (just look at that summary: I dare you not to roll your eyes). However, it was solid: especially with the character development. Even if the plot was sort of boring, the character arcs (and how they grew) were very interesting. I didn’t hate any characters (which surprises me) as they all had something to add. If anything, the occasional predictability made it comfortable.

This is the kind of book that you have to read in a certain mood, otherwise it feels really meh. I enjoyed the easy style of writing and plot, but it was missing something essential. (The mean, sarcastic person in me says “originality”.)

Even so, I would rate this book 3 out of 5 stars.

~ Sarah

(And I’m really sorry about the short review, but balancing procrastination, building a crane out of popsicles and an English-cum-media assignment/presentation – due on Friday, but assigned on Tuesday – is stressing me out)











A News More Exciting Than Us!

Hello, err’body!

On this lovely Sublime Fridays, Faith and I have an exciting new announcement (no, it’s not another meme XD ). We’ve decided to try something new: we’re going to be reviewing books in French from now on! We will still post the occasional English post but we wanted to branch out and improve our French too, so we thought that this would be a great platform to start! Please excuse our horribleness in French, as it won’t be perfect by any means. So here’s our very first duo French review! Continue reading

Reviewing My 6 Year Old Poetry

Have you ever wondered what Faith was like at age six? Wonder no more!

This week, I am taking over Sublime Fridays by reviewing a piece of text like all book bloggers do. This post was originally for World Poetry Day a few days ago but since I had missed it, I am now gracing your presence with a poem we’ve all been absolutely looking forward to. But there’s a slight difference: it’s a top notch piece of literature written by yours truly… when I was six.

(S: Is it weird that my first reaction to this idea was :YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)

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White Pine Wednesdays: The Outside Circle

Howdy peeps XD

Today, I will completely disappoint Paul (nothing really funny here, sorry) and post a “boring” review. Whilst it may not be the most “rainbows and sunshine” of reviews, this book still shines a light – on some of Canada’s more shaded issues.
My sixth review will be over the very first graphic novel nominee this year (the very first and very only, actually).

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