A News More Exciting Than Us!

Hello, err’body!

On this lovely Sublime Fridays, Faith and I have an exciting new announcement (no, it’s not another meme XD ). We’ve decided to try something new: we’re going to be reviewing books in French from now on! We will still post the occasional English post but we wanted to branch out and improve our French too, so we thought that this would be a great platform to start! Please excuse our horribleness in French, as it won’t be perfect by any means. So here’s our very first duo French review! Continue reading

Book Review: My True Love Gave to Me


Have you ever wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s in the middle of March?! Never fear, here’s the closest thing you’ll get to do just that!

Note: Faith is the only person who posts a holiday book review in springtime. Feel free to take plenty of screenshots because this is probably an exclusive absurdity that you’ll never see anywhere else.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Seriously, winter is now non-existent and THIS is the kind of book review you’re bringing us? You betcha. (Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which winter is actually ARRIVING – geography is so weird it makes my brain spin every time I try to think about it… but it’s simultaneously awesome. I just can’t imagine having Christmas while becoming fried into a crisp under the sun!) Welcome to a slightly shameless couple-month-old book review. Let’s go! 😀 Continue reading

White Pine Wednesdays! The Art of Getting Stared At

This post is a continuation of this and this! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check them out XD

Like I promised yesterday, the very first ever White Pine Wednesday review is The Art of Getting Stared At.


Now, I won’t rehash the summary (watch the trailer!), but I will rehash my first impressions. When I read the summary, and saw the cover ….

… I think the cover is pretty and relevant (to the summary, at least). It doesn’t excite me, but it’s sending pretty, solid, contemporary vibes at me.

(Look at me, quoting myself :P)

And… I was on point.

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Forest of Reading + First Review

To start of this post, we Canadians would like to apologize for taking up your time with this Canadian-filled post XD

Every year, in Ontario (a province in Canada, for the geographically challenged), a giant book club is set in action. Sounds interesting? Well, it is! Every year, 10 books are chosen for 9 categories. The categories include:

Badge Name Age type of book
Blue Spruce™ JK–Grade 2 Picture books
Silver Birch® Grades 3–6 Fiction / Non-fiction
Red Maple™
Grades 7–8 Fiction, Non-fiction (every other year)
White Pine™ Grades 9–12 Fiction

Basically, every school I’ve ever been too has participated in this province wide book club. We read, trade and discuss the books, and at the end of the year, we vote for a winner. I thought it would be cool to review and predict the end results! Since I am in high school, I will be doing the White Pine level books, simply because they tend to be more relevant to me. But that’s not to say that I won’t review them 😉
Starting every other week, Faith and I (or just me) will review the books, and hopefully discuss the books with people who have read them 🙂 And on May 17th, we will go the the Festival of Reading and see who won (obviously documenting our adventure 😉 )

Today I’ll post a list of all the books I will review, tomorrow I’ll post first impressions, and from then on, Wednesdays will be the very reviews 😀


Hence the name, you know 😉

The art of getting stared at

The bodies we wear

Delusion road

All the rage

The story of Owen : dragon slayer of Trondheim

The outside circle

Rabbit ears

A sense of the infinite

Soldier doll

These titles all link to their Goodreads page 😀

Which Wednesday: Books about School Shootings

Hey guys! Sarah here 😀

Me and Faith are going to be introducing a bi-monthly (or tri-monthly, depending on how long the month is) feature.

Drumroll please….

Which Wednesdays!

We’ll be comparing 2 books of a similar topic or genre, and in the end, giving you guys our opinion on which was better. Every Which Wednesday will have a theme, and to kick it off, this week is about school shootings. Morbid. I know.

which wednesday1 Continue reading

Book Review: Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park

15745753   17322949

By Rainbow Rowell

328 pgs

Publishing Info: On February 26th, 2013 by St. Martin’s Press

Genre: YA contemporary, romance

Book Summary: Eleanor: She doesn’t fit in but she finds her seat in a school bus full of strangers next to Park. Park: He’s not exactly like the other kids either. But when they’re together, they’re absolutely awkward, adorable, and dorky… Awkdorkable. It’s a story of growing friendships and just being sixteen.

“Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.”

What was great or meh about the book?

I’m going to start off again by saying that this book is really genuine. And I really can’t believe that I’ve never read this book before. Now normally I’m not a super romance Fangirl but this book was different because it made you feel a lot more and you grow Attatchments to the characters; Rainbow Rowell just makes it hard for you to Carry On. (OK fine, upon request I’ll stop the book title puns… S: Yes Faith, thanks)

This book feels really genuine. We’ve established that. From the emotions to the music that goes with it, it’s like a peephole into the awkdorable lives of the two misfits Eleanor and Park. (S: Isn’t it Adorkable? F: Well I guess it can be “awkdorkable”… awkward, adorable, and dorky. That’s basically all of it right there.)

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Book Review: Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl #1)

By Eoin Colfer

Published by Miramax in 2001

316 pages

Genres:Fantasy, Sci-fi, Action, Middle-Grade Fiction

Rating: 5/5 stars

Book Summary: Artemis Fowl, simply put, is a genius. A criminal mastermind and only twelve years old, Artemis Fowl II has come up with his most audacious plan yet: to restore his family’s fortune by kidnapping a Fairy. Fairies don’t exist, you scoff? Well, Artemis will prove you wrong.

“Stay back, human. You don’t know what you are dealing with.”

~ Captain Holly Short

Once upon a time, there was a nine year old girl in her English class. Basically friendless, and a fast worker, she went to her pitiful, 5 book class library, and chose a random book. She snuck back to her desk and opened the book, pretending to work. She was suddenly sucked into Ho Chi Minh city, enchanted by the criminal twelve-year old Artemis. And his Butler, Butler. She was so absorbed that she forgot about her surroundings, and when it was time for Math, her teacher realized she was reading, and snatched the book away. But it was too late : the girl could not go back to work, already obsessed…

I need mooooore…

That girl, as you may have guessed, was me. Artemis Fowl intrigued me from the very beginning. The premise was pretty interesting. Stay back, human? Fairies that aren’t the usual kind of fairies? Criminal plots? I think teenage (or kid) masterminds are a thing. Nothing better than reading a know-it-all look like he’s about to get whupped and end up getting it all right after all.

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Book Review: Black Hole Sun

Black Hole Sun (Hell’s Cross #1)

By David Macinnis Gill

340 pages

Genres: Action, Dystopian, Sci-fi, Mars

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Book Summary: Meet Durango. A teenage mercenary trying to eke out a living on Mars, who’s lost his family and most of his crew. Durango’s playing the cards the he was dealt – and you don’t want to mess with him, because he’s got the scars to prove it.

Ok, I was really desperate here: the library was closing in 5 minutes and I had not picked out a book. The librarians were giving me the evil eye, so I grabbed the first YA book I saw:

I’m sorry, but this cover. NOPE. I prefer the newer cover.

…and ran.

My librarians can be pretty scary, yo.

Imagine my reaction when I finally opened the inside cover to see what the book was about… only to be greeted with a badass summary!


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